Blog 4D Tube
Backstage - церемония старта строительства высокотехнологичных производств компании “ЕвроХим”
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Backstage - церемония старта строительства высокотехнологичных производств компании “ЕвроХим”
1 сентября 2021 года сотрудники Коммуникационного агентства 4D организовали и провели “под ключ” торжественную церемонию старта строительства высокотехнологичных производств аммиака и карбамида компании “ЕвроХим”. Церемония прошла на промышленной площадке «Фосфорит» в г. Кингисепп.
Opening of the 15th EU Film Festival in Kaliningrad
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Opening of the 15th EU Film Festival in Kaliningrad
More than 3500 spectators took part in the 15th EU Film Festival, which took place from 14 to 29 February, 2020 in Kaliningrad and for the first time in the cities of the region - Baltiysk, Neman, Guryevsk, Zelenogradsk. During the 15 days of the festival, 39 films from 25 European countries were shown: the winners of European film festivals of recent years and the expected premieres. The main theme of the anniversary festival was love.
There is no planet B
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There is no planet B
Have you heard anything about the educational festival "Campus"? This is a continuation of the "Open University" project, which Paper Media has been holding since 2015 in collaboration with the EU Delegation in Russia and leading universities in St. Petersburg. In 2018 and 2019, the 4D agency was actively involved in the implementation of this event. The scope of work of the 4D agency included ensuring the participation of invited experts from the EU, as well as developing the concept of the EU promotional area at the festival: making the necessary exhibition designs and organizing interactive zones and additional activities.
Tikkurila Color of the Year 2020 presentation in Moscow
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Tikkurila Color of the Year 2020 presentation in Moscow
November 28, 2019 at the architectural school "March" (Moscow), the presentation of the “Color of the Year 2020” from the company of paint coatings «Tikkurila». Daria Kazantseva, interior designer, blogger, speaker, publisher and editor-in-chief of «DforDesign» magazine, was the guest of honor at the premiere of the new “Сolor of the Year”. She spoke at the event as a speaker, with the topic: "Favorite coloristic techniques of great decorators". The event was organized on a turnkey basis: from the creation of the creative concept to its implementation.
Color of the Year 2020 presentation by Tikkurila in St Petersburg
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Color of the Year 2020 presentation by Tikkurila in St Petersburg
On November 21, 2019, the Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art hosted a Color of the year 2020 presentation from Tikkurila Paints and Coatings. The participants of the event were interior designers who were captivated by the rich program of the evening. The guests had an opportunity to create a joint painting under the guidance of an experienced artist, take part in the drawing of valuable prizes, attend a workshop on interior decor, and dive into contemporary art together with the guides who led them on a fascinating tour around the Erarta museum. The Color of the year 2020 was a lemonade shade. It was the color that formed the basis of the event's concept, from the design of the buffet line to the creation of the event's motto: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”.
New Year's corporate party for Bonava
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New Year's corporate party for Bonava
On December 20, 2020 Agency 4D held a corporate New Year's party for BONAVA employees at Sofit Event Hall. The event was organized on a turnkey basis: from the creation of the creative concept to its implementation. The main idea of the evening that year was the "Once at Bonava" concept.
Global Energy Association at 24th World Energy Congress, Abu Dhabi, UAE
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Global Energy Association at 24th World Energy Congress, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Organizing the design of the Global Energy Association's exhibition space and fully supporting participation in the 24th World Energy Congress, which took place September 9-12, 2019 at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center (ADNEC) in the United Arab Emirates.
Celebration of the launch of EuroChem's new production facility
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