We do not escalate, but if you still do not know where your new year's corporate party will be, then you need to be puzzled on this topic urgently. Do you think that September is very early? It wasn't there! As professionals of the event industry, we declare that you should start preparing a corporate holiday and congratulations for your partners today. And here's five good reasons for motivation:
1. Still have a choice
You can't even imagine how much easier and more enjoyable it is to organize any event, having the opportunity to contact any venue you are interested in, catering service or team of artists, and understand that they are available on the dates you need. Of course, the most responsible people reserved the best places for new year's celebrations in the summer. But do not panic, there are still good options.
Most likely, you will have to choose weekdays on the 20th of December: the weekend of December 23-24 is probably already busy, and December 30-31 is not at all advantageous for corporate parties – the mood of colleagues is already too "home" for work celebrations. This has its advantages: it is cheaper on weekdays, and an extra holiday during the working week is always more pleasant. Do not, by the way, disdain and January. But it is better to choose dates after January 15: then all your colleagues will return from vacation, and the inflated new year's price tag will fall.
If you are going to order "stars", keep in mind: St. Petersburg's popular artists are in high demand: in the hype seasons, a top musician often has to give 2-3 concerts in one evening. Now you can still choose a convenient time – then you will have to adjust to the "star schedule".
2. Prices have not increased yet
From the first point, the second is logically born – prices have not yet had time to grow exponentially. As this, believe us, will happen in October (for ethical reasons, we will not mention December at all). The prices of even the top-end venues, restaurants, country clubs and even major artists are now quite comparable with reality, organizers are ready to dialogue, it is much easier to plan your schedule now to "in season" to be popular and not be sought by ways to earn.
3. There is time for creativity
If you start preparing for the holiday in advance, you have every chance to organize a really memorable holiday for employees with a pronounced creative component. Now is the time to shoot a corporate feature film, do scenography, put on numbers with colleagues, sew interesting costumes – in short, do everything that will create a truly unique holiday that will be remembered by every employee and raise your corporate spirit to a new level.
Remember: to prepare a high-quality event, you need at least two months (for rehearsals, video editing, costume tailoring, etc.).
4. You will have time to order the best
It's time to think not only about the holiday for employees, but also about gifts for partners. Agree, it is much more pleasant to choose gifts and Souvenirs not on the principle of "burning offer, the last 10 pieces in stock", but strategically approaching the selection of gifts depending on the recipient's status, and, again, correctly calculating the budget. Ordering products now, you can think big: you have time to develop, order or produce unique products. The current trend is Souvenirs from China. Delivery may take a month or more.
If you order Christmas products in November, you risk getting on the waiting list and receiving gifts after the New year.
5. Can be prepared without fuss
The new year period is a time of annual reports, estimates, closing debts, planning the budget for the next year, endless meetings and thousands of spent nerve cells. Are you sure that in such an atmosphere you can fully devote your time and the time of your employees to planning festive events? In any case, this will not be perceived as a pleasant fuss, but as an additional load. Yes, and new year's contractors don't have a rush right now, which means they can devote more time and effort to you.
Speaking of time and effort. 4D Agency has been preparing corporate holidays for many years. We stage musicals, direct skits, make feature films and music videos with our employees. So, if you do not have enough time and effort to organize such a large-scale event as a new year's corporate party, we are ready to help you. Just call us right now, because you have five reasons for this.
At the end of the summer, we held a large annual test drive of new year's ideas-a party of the HR club "HOW to DO". This may be your New year: